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We'll see you out on the courts!
Two locations: ECC Bell Sports Center & Zion Dominion
** Open Play schedule for badminton, pickleball & table tennis is on home page ****
** Rally Niagara Spring Classic Badminton tournament is scheduled for April 26,27 - Details coming soon.
** Table Tennis singles tournament at Zion, Saturday, March 1st at 1:30 PM **​​​​
** Friday morning picleball now offered - 8 AM to 11 AM **
Youth Badminton Instruction - Winter/Spring 2025
Welcome to Rally Niagara's Youth Badminton Instruction page. This coming winter season we have an exciting offering of instructional badminton classes for youth (ages 7 to 18). Emphasis this session will be on teamwork and doubles play. Small group coaching is performed by a dedicated team of screened coaches that are passionate about instructing and training youth on various badminton skills, drills, strategies & game play. Registration is now in progress via button link. Deadline for online class registration online is Thursday, January 30th.
Classes are 10 weeks (Feb-Apr). There will also be an end of season pizza party and a youth club badminton "Doubles Progressive" tournament to be held on Sunday, May 4th.
Class offerings:
* Sunday afternoons - 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM and 2:45 PM to 4:15 PM. Cost is $149 per student. Classes start on Sunday, Feb 2nd and a more precise schedule of dates will be provided.
Coaches this session will be:
Head coaches - Michael Hacker, Hetram Sookdeo, Ishan Doray, Krishna B.
Assistant coaches - Christina Malyn
* There will be an evaluation on the first class to ensure students are placed in an appropriate age/skill group)
Location of classes is at Zion Dominion at 895 North Forest Rd. in Williamsville.
We'll see you out on the courts!
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