We'll see you out on the courts!
Two locations: ECC Bell Sports Center & Zion Dominion
** Open Play schedule for badminton, pickleball & table tennis is on home page ****
** Rally Niagara Spring Classic Badminton tournament is scheduled for April 26,27 - Details coming soon.
** Table Tennis singles tournament at Zion, Saturday, March 1st at 1:30 PM **​​​​
** Friday morning picleball now offered - 8 AM to 11 AM **
Rally Niagara Badminton & Pickleball Club
Rally Niagara is an adult and junior badminton & pickleball club located in Amherst, NY.
Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the world appealing to all ages and skill levels. It is a social game that can be played at the recreational level or competitively. Its physical and health benefits are outstanding and most important of all, its fun!
Pickleball is a paddleball sport (similar to a racquet sport) that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Two or four players use solid paddles to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a Whiffle Ball, over a net. It is an amazing social sport enjoyed by folks of all ages.

The vision of Rally Niagara is to foster an enthusiasm for the sports of badminton and pickleball and there related health benefits through an introduction of the game to new players as well as provide a challenging environment for experienced players.
Rally Niagara was founded in 2011 by Mike & Cara Hacker. Mike has been part of the sport of badminton for over 30 years as a player and a coach. He has a passion for the sport of Badminton and his mission is to provide an encouraging and comfortable environment for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players of the of all ages.