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Rally Niagara offers a line-up of doubles progressive, dedicated team, mini, & singles leagues for all to enjoy. See offerings below for details and online registration. 

Doubles Progressive Ladder Leagues

Pickleball Doubles Ladder Leagues are a great way to play pickleball on a consistent week to week basis. Each league session is 9 weeks long playing once a week. Leagues are progressive which means that each game is played with a different partner against two others. Depending on no. of participants, each week 1-2 players are assigned to a group up or down based on performance to maintain competitive game play.  Trophies are awarded to top player(s) on last week. Registration for sessions can be made via link by button below. League cost is $99. We look forward to seeing you out on the courts.


League offerings: (Novice / Intermediate):


* Location Zion -Tuesday's 6:00 to 7:30 PM - Dates (Winter 1) - Jan 21,28, Feb 4,11,18,25, Mar 4,11,18 (*Full)

* Location Zion -Tuesday's 6:00 to 7:30 PM - Dates (Spring 1) - Mar 25, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20​


​* Location Zion -Thursday's 6:00 to 7:30 PM - Dates (Winter 1) -  Feb 6,13,20,27, Mar 6,13,20,27, Apr 3 (*Full*)

* Location Zion -Thursday's 6:00 to 7:30 PM - Dates (Spring 1) -  Apr 10,17,24, May 1,8,15,22,29, Jun 5


* Location Zion -Sunday's 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM - Dates (Winter 1) - Jan 12,19,26, Feb 2,9,16,23, Mar 2,9 (*Full*)

* Location Zion -Sunday's 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM - Dates (Spring 1) - Mar 16, 23, 30, Apr 6, 13, 27, May 4, 11, 18​


League offerings: (Recreational):


* Location Zion -Saturday's 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM - Dates (Winter 1) - Jan 25, Feb 1,8,15,22, Mar 1,8,15,22 (*Closed)

* Location Zion -Saturday's 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM - Dates (Spring 1) - Mar 29, Apr 5,12,19,26, May 3,10,17,24


If league is closed, feel free to contact administrator (e-mail:, phone 716-250-7738) if interested in being on waitlist.

Women's Pickleball Doubles Ladder League

Come join us for an exciting 9 weeks of women's recreational pickleball doubles league game play at Rally Niagara. Players sign-up individually, pay, and list their partners name. Each week teams will be paired with different teams in a group for 4 to 6 round robin games. Based on weekly performance, teams will be shifted between groups for competitive game play. Statistics will be updated weekly on website. Trophies will be given to the top team(s) on last week of play based on best record. League cost is $99. We look forward to seeing you out on the courts.


League offerings: (Novice / Intermediate):



​* Location Zion -Monday's 5:45 to 7:15 PM - Dates (Winter 1) - Jan 27, Feb 3,10,17,24, Mar 3,10,17,24 (*Full*)

​* Location Zion -Monday's 7:15 to 8:45 PM - Dates (Winter 1) - Jan 27, Feb 3,10,17,24, Mar 3,10,17,24 (*Closed)


​* Location Zion -Monday's 5:45 to 7:15 PM - Dates (Spring 1) - Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19, Jun 2

​* Location Zion -Monday's 7:15 to 8:45 PM - Dates (Spring 1) - Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19, Jun 2


* In order to be registered as a team, both partners will need to register and pay online,


If league is closed, feel free to contact administrator (e-mail:, phone 716-250-7738) if interested in being on waitlist.

Mixed Doubles Ladder Pickleball Leagues

Come join us for mixed doubles (one male, one female) pickleball league game play at Rally Niagara. Players sign-up individually, pay, and list their partners name. Each week teams will be paired up against others for game play in a round robin format. Statistics will be updated weekly on website. Trophies will be given to the top team(s) on last week of play based on best record. League cost is $99 for 9 weeks. We look forward to seeing you out on the courts.


League offerings: (Novice / Intermediate):


* Location Zion -Wednesday’s 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Dates (Winter 2) – Feb 12,19,26, Mar 5,12,19,26, Apr 2,9 (*Full)


* Location Zion -Friday’s 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM - Dates (Winter 1) – Jan 17,24,31, Feb 7,14,21,28, Mar 7,14 (*Full*)

​* Location Zion -Friday’s 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM - Dates (Spring1) – Mar 21,28, Apr 4,11,18,25, May 2,9,16


* In order to be registered as a team, both partners will need to register and pay online


If league is closed, feel free to contact administrator (e-mail:, phone 716-250-7738) if interested in being on waitlist.

Mini-Pickleball Doubles Progressive League

Come join us for an exciting 9 weeks of mini-pickleball game play at Rally Niagara. You may be asking what is mini-pickleball. Mini-pickleball is a doubles game played entirely up at the non-volley zone with a short baseline. The game is great practice for the "short game" of pickleball and is where all the "magic" happens during an intense rally. Players sign-up individually for league play. Each week players will be paired with different people each game against two other players for 4 to 6 round robin games. Based on weekly performance and number of participants, players will be shifted between groups for competitive game play. Statistics will be updated weekly on website. Trophies will be given to the top players on last week of play based on to players based on best record. League cost is $99 for 9 weeks. We look forward to seeing you out on the courts.


League offerings: (Novice / Intermediate):


* Location Zion -Saturday's 11:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Dates (Winter 2) - Jan 18,25, Feb 1,8,15,22, Mar 1,8, 15 (*Full*)

* Location Zion -Wednesday's 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM - Dates (Spring) - Feb 26, Mar 5,12,19,26, Apr 2,9,16,23

* Location Zion -Saturday's 11:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Dates (Spring 1) - Mar 22,29, Apr 5,12,19,26, May 3,10,17


If league is closed, feel free to contact administrator (e-mail:, phone 716-250-7738) if interested in being on waitlist.

Singles League (Recreational / Competitive)

Come join us for an exciting 9 weeks of our singles pickleball league at Rally Niagara. Players sign-up and select either recreational or competitive. Each week players will be paired against others for 4-6 round robin games. Based on weekly performance, players will be shifted between groups if sufficient number of participants to ensure competitive game play. Statistics will be updated weekly on website. Trophies will be given to top players on last week of play based on best record. 


* Cost per League is $99 for 9 weeks


League offerings: Recreational


* Location ECC -Sunday's - TBD


​If league is closed, feel free to contact administrator (e-mail:, phone 716-250-7738) if interested in being on waitlist.

Singles League

 We'll see you out on the Courts!



Mike Hacker  - Owner



David Kelly - Owner



Two Locations:


Address (1):

Bell Sports Center

ECC North Campus

6205 Main St. 

Williamsville, NY 14221


Address (2):

Zion Dominion

895 North Forest Rd. 

Williamsville, NY 14221


Copyright © 2023 Rally Niagara Badminton Club


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